16 and pregnant to a 21 year old ?

Okay. So. Let’s say I know the girl. She’s 16 and is afraid she is pregnant. She then goes on to tell me the guy is 21. Obviously the guy doesn’t want it and if she is pregnant wants it aborted. If she is pregnant and keeps the baby she’ll most likely have the dad out of the picture and won’t know what her family will do. She was pregnant before and her family supported but the age difference is a bit different now. Any way what are the laws? Like if she plans to keep it and her parents want to press charges? We’re in PA

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She has to look up the laws it is different everywhere. Example where I live 16 is the age of consent to move out, to date a man or woman of any age.


Posted at
In my state, age of consent is 16 and the person can be up to 6 years older than them. Just bc he’s over 18 doesn’t make it statutory where I am so she’d have to look up her laws. She could probably go explain to a police station and ask. They won’t make her turn him in.


Posted at
In my state the age of consent is 16 to someone 18 or under but being 19+ is considered statutory rape. However if the guy doesn't want the baby she doesn't have to say anything about him . Like , yes I'm pregnant but not sure who the father is or being plain honest , he doesn't want any rights so we're leaving him out of everything . Many many women find themselves in a situation where they cannot contact or don't know who the father is. If he doesn't want any part in it I don't think it matters.


Posted at
Where i live, to give legal consent is 17 years of age.