Stepmom-ing ain’t easy


My stepdaughter is 14. She’s been living with my husband and I since her mom up and left her to go get married to a man in another state she just met. I’ve been doing EVERYTHING for this kid. Softball practices, fundraisers, taking her to school every day, laundry, dinner. Everything.

About two weeks ago, she decided she’s moving to Mississippi to live with her mom. It absolutely terrifies me but I’ve come to terms with it. I can’t stop her and I’m just gonna have to let it go. She isn’t moving until summer time. Since then, she’s been a COMPLETE asshole to me and everyone else in our home (other kids). She’s got a serious attitude problem. She’s lazy. She’s laying in bed on her phone all day and when I ask her to do anything, she gets PISSED and acts like I’m the biggest bitch ever. I really just want to tell her to move NOW. I feel like since she’s decided she’s leaving, she thinks she can do whatever she wants here. I’m not dealing with that til June! I can’t! 🙄 maybe I sound mean but it’s making me insane. Dad keeps saying just “let it go” and “leave her be” but I can’t even get her to get out of bed for school in the morning without a fight! 😩 what do I do?!