It’s almost time!



So I went to my 40 week appointment. They checked me and I was at a 2, she stretched me to a 3, -1 station and waters bulging. They booked my induction for the 20th and was sent down to maternity to monitor bubs movements as I’d noticed he’d had less today. The test was fine, he reacted well to sugar, however I’m assuming that the doctor wasn’t comfortable having me wait until the 20th due to this, and because I’d had an iron infusion at 37 weeks and levels drop over time. I have not since been checked for new levels.


Doc said they’re inducing me first thing in the morning.

I’m packed, baby’s bag is packed but we have yet to do partners bag!

What can I double check to pack in his bag/what did you pack for your partner’s bag?

I’m so excited and in shock :D