Trisomy 18?!?!?!?!


On the verge of an anxiety attack. So I’m 16 weeks 4 days pregnant with number 2 just came from my early anatomy scan and my blood work for trisomy 18 came back higher than my age range. Not significantly higher but high enough to warrant them to offer me advanced bloodwork to rule it out. Doctor did an ultrasound after the technician did and said baby’s hands are not clenched at all, in fact baby was waving at us so he was not concerned at all he says. They did the bloodwork anyway. I AM A NERVOUS WRECK. Especially after googling what trisomy 18 is. I feel like I can’t breath literally. I’m so triggered and idk how what to do. I had a traumatic pregnancy with my 18 month old so I have PTSD from that. This baby was not planned but I’m a literal mess right now.