Do you believe pre seed causes miscarriages?


I was reading reviews and say several people blaming pre seed for miscarrying.

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I've used preseed twice. First time did end in a miscarriage BUT we used it again and I'm pregnant and due in April. I think if it's going to happen it will happen and there's nothing that you can do to stop it unfortunately.


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I used it also but that pregnancy ended in a MC. Hoping for it to happen again, I don’t know if Pre-seed works but still using it.


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I used it and had a miscarriage at 11w3d. I’m terrified to use it again.


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I used it first cycle and got pregnant with my son who’s about to be two. Used it again and had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I’m not sure if preseed was the cause, but i’m going to try to not use anything this next cycle.


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I used preseed twice, got pregnant and both ended in miscarriage.


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I had an early miscarriage when we used preseed but dont think thats what caused it


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I used it and it ended in a missed miscarriage


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2 miscarriage