38.6 water broke... birth story ❤


So on Tuesday I had my regular appt (last one before induction) everything looked great, we went over what to expect for my induction on Thursday morning! Left feeling great and thinking to myself what all I need to get done and cleaned. So, Wednesday morning I woke up and felt a little wet. So I put on a new pair of undies and started doing dishes and laundry. About 15 minutes later I had wet through those. So I called my doctor believing I may have a leak in my sac. So I went in and they ran all the tests and she told me she couldn't confirm if it was my fluid or not because if I have a tear at the top of the sac, by the time it travels through all my other discharge it could show as a false negative. So she told me just to go home and watch. And if I have a gush to call back immediately! Okay great! I left the doctor at 2pm. I made it home and realized I locked myself out of my house 😑 ugh. Called the hubby and luckily he was on his way home. When he got there, I got out of my car saying "babe I'm just certain this is my water, I'm not going crazy!" And about that time... I coughed and my water broke.... 😐😐😐 so I called the nurses line and informed them I was on my way to L&D! Cool! Made it upstairs to change into new clothes and off we went!!!

So we make it to the hospital and within seconds of stepping out of the car i drenched another pair of pants... oh well! Atleast I knew for a fact I was in labor. By this time I'm laughing uncontrollably! So of course they have to take the little strip and test my undies and within seconds it pops up blue!!!!

BABY TIME!!!!!!!

4:03pm water broke

4:32pm admitted

When I was officially admitted and checked I was at 4cm! 90% effaced and so ready to get things rolling! By 730pm they checked me again and still only at a 4. Ugh... no biggie.

8:05pm pitocin started

Labored for a pretty good while with pitocin and around 1030pm I asked for the epidural!!!!!!!!

I made it to 8cm before I asked for the epidural! I felt proud of myself! 💪💪

Skip ahead to 12:00am officially Valentine's day! ❤❤❤ and I was finally 10cm!!!! Push time!!! I was ready!!!! 57 minutes later, a few tears and my absolutely beautiful baby girl was born!

1:01am 8lbs 3oz 20in

Paislee Elizabeth ❤❤❤