Little rant 😣😤


My friend and I work together at a call center but I’m 37 weeks pregnant and have had a lot of complications the past month to where I’ve had to miss some work. Since yesterday I’ve been losing some of my mucus plug and been having back contractions since yesterday. I went to the dr yesterday and I have a sinus infection and the dr wrote me a note for me to not go back to work yesterday and to have off today. So along with contractions and sinus infection I’m definitely not feeling good at all. Anyways, I called into work today telling them I went to the dr yesterday and that he wrote me a note for yesterday and today and as it’s after 8 my friend messages me and asked me where I was, like first, she knows he wrote me a note along with me having contractions last night. Then she secretly posted a post about me on Facebook and I know it was about me. She always gets mad at me when I miss work, it’s not like I choose to miss work. How am I supposed to sit for 8 hours when my throat hurts so bad I can barely talk and I’m having mild contractions? And it’s not like I didn’t call and let them know what is going on. After I have my baby I’m looking for another job where I’m not working with her because apparently im child who needs my hands held 🤷🏽‍♀️

Also to add: we have the opportunity to make up missing hours so all I have to do is work all day Saturday and I will be caught up, so it’s not like I’m missing out on money.