

I’m so confused. I got a positive test on Feb 1st. My doctor immediately had my beta Hcg tested (because of a miscarriage in November). I have a longer cycle (at least 38 days). She thinks I was 6 weeks 5 days as of yesterday. I’m thinking I am not more than 5 weeks 3 days, max as of yesterday. The levels were only 14 on the first (3 days before missed period). Two days later, they were 61. Four days later, they were 504. I went for an ultrasound 7 days after the 504 (yesterday), and there was nothing on the ultrasound. No sack, nothing but a thickened lining of the uterus. My doctor said that she should have seen something if there was a baby. She had my levels drawn yesterday, they were over 7,000, so she is convinced there would have been at least a sac. Now she is having me have blood drawn today for another beta Hcg and thinks it’s either ectopic or a future miscarriage. She offered a shot to begin the miscarriage or the option to get another ultrasound Monday or Tuesday to make sure they didn’t miss anything. Would they not have seen an ectopic on yesterday’s ultrasound? Has anyone had levels near 7,000 but empty uterus and then ended up with a viable pregnancy? I’m scared of the ectopic and how dangerous they are but I don’t want to miscarry a perfectly healthy baby.