Preggo Venting!

I have not seen my SO for 4 days due to our work schedule. Yesterday, I called him like I normally do but it went to voice mail. My text messages were ignored.

basically he chose to ignore my calls. He came home from work this morning & I asked him what's going on?

He got defensive, it led to a heated argument. I told him that I can't play his game anymore. It's just childish. I told him I didn't deserve being treated like this. He asked me if I wanted him to move out?

Whoa! Where did this come from? I don't deserve to be treated like a door mat, am his wife. As much as it will hurt, if he can't treat me like a queen & tell me what is going on I should let him go.

My mind is not thinking right. I need to calm down & really think about this. I know am overeating but I didn't do anything to deserve this treatment & as far as I knew our marriage is great & strong. Is it?

He doesn't want to open up to me but wants me to vent to him when am having a bad day at work.

Please no rude comments, supportive comments welcome