
I have a few recommendations that are definitely my favorite books (a lot of these books have female leads) :

Heads up: I did not include a full summary for the books since I do not want to give anything up! These books are some that I’ve read at least 3x.

-The lunar chronicles by Marissa Meyer

The lunar chronicles is about a colony formed on the moon, the high class has the power to change their appearance, the opinions of others, and the actions of others. It is a sci-fi series of Cinderella, red riding hood, rapunzel, Snow White and the evil queen

- The thief, queen of Attolia, King of Attolia, and A conspiracy of King by Megan Whalen Turner

These books are set in a 17th century type of time, however, these books are definitely for those who are interested in sole queen rulers with King consorts. I would consider this a historical fiction but set in a different dimension.

- Pretty girls by Karin Slaughter

This book is for those who enjoy thrillers and it is definitely not for the faint of heart! There is a very detailed part in the book that is unsuitable for young readers.

- Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende

This is most definitely a historic fiction piece set in Chile during the gold rush. This book is about a Chilean girl who sets on a voyage to California.

- The dark descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White

If you know about the amazing story that Shelley wrote, Frankenstein, then you know some of the events that happens in the book. However, this is not based on the Frankenstein men but rather the young women affected by the Frankenstein men.

- Stalking Jack the Ripper, Hunting Prince Dracula, and Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco

These books are scientific and for those who love a good who-dunnit? These stories about female empowerment and not to underestimate a woman by the amount of skirts she wears.

- Ash Princess, Lady Smoke, and Long Live the Queen (Spring 2020) by Laura Sebastian

This trilogy is about a young girl who lost her country and watched her mother die; is now trying to regain her throne and her country from a conquerer and old friend.

-The chemist by Stephenie Meyer

For those who love science and getting revenge on those who have done wrong, I suggest this book because of its strong female lead.