Is there a group for "step families"


I need advice or wisdom or something from someone who has been in my current situation.

The father of my child and I were middle school sweethearts, we had a beautiful daughter together 3 yrs ago.. got married when she was 6 months old, divorced amicably 6 months later..

Custody agreement he asked for was that I was the residential parent and he got her every weekend. $400 a month in child support, I agreed.

Now 2 years later I'm married and he is to be married in September. We have a very civil thing going on.

He wants to get her every other week. With the arraignment that he gets on 1st shift instead of 3rd, he stops paying child support, he pays for daycare when she's with him, he keeps good health insurance her. Yeah sure this sounds like a good thing, I should commend this. I'm. Not. Ready to give her up like that. I need her more than she needs me. Yes she does see her dad every weekend they have a relationship, more so than most. I don't think shes ready mentally for that, she won't know what's shes getting into. The hassle, the stress. It's going to be too much on all of us. I just need opinions advice, things to think on. I'm in shock I cant make sense of this.