Overdue, I still love you, now I finally get to snuggle you 💚
So, as any mom to be I was very anxious to have my little man with me. I am a 3rd time mommy, but the waiting never gets easier.
I was due on Valentine's day, but little man had other plans.
I went into the OB Screening room yesterday because my cervix was sticking out when I peed (i have a longer cervix). When i go there they checked me said i was at 3cm, no contractions, cervix was still very far back. They sent me home and said the would reassess my situation 6 weeks postpartum.
My 5 yr old was staying with his aunt for the night because I was feeling very stressed, overwhelmed and depressed the past month. Hormones were so out of control and I was having difficulty handling my 2 boys (5yrs and almost 2yrs). My SIL told me to come over for a bit to help cheer me up. And we were getting things ready for my neice's 4th birthday which is today 2/17.
My SIL is a massage therapist and gave me a 20 minute long massage on both feet hoping it would help get things going by hitting pressure points and help me distress. That was at about 8pm. I went home and saw my inlaws who flew in for my neice's party. Put my little man to bed and made myself some stirfry.
Around midnight my body decided it was time to start the purge with extremely loose bowels. It was very annoying as I was tired and there is nothing worse than laying down to sleep and then having to rush to the bathroom. I had the purge several days prior as well and no baby, so I didnt think anything of it.
Finally went to sleep at 2:30 am, but woke up at 5:20 to pee. About 5:51 AM i started getting bad contractions. They started in my vagina moved up my hips, into my back then into my stomach. It really hurt and I had to focus on my breathing to get through them.
I started timing them and they were 40 seconds long, coming every 3 and a half minutes, I went to go pee and wiped up blood. No mucous, just blood. I called the nurse line because my stats didnt match the 5.1.1 rule. They said it's your third baby come in now. I get to my hospital and the pain is only getting worse, contractions are stronger and closer together. I get inside and have to wait for a nurse for about 10 minutes. They finally get me into a room to be checked and I was about 5 to 6cm dialted. They moved me up to l&d.
My plan was to go all natural with jo medication like i did with my last birth, but as you know things don't go to plan. I was in so much pain that I asked to try the nitrous oxide gas. They got me set up with that so i could use it when i needed it and stop when i didn't want it. The pain was getting to be unbearable and i just kept telling myself "you can get through this, one contraction at a time".
The nurse looked at me and said there is no way she is a 6 right now, she isnt acting like a 6. They finally got me up on the bed to check me and the doctor said well "you are fully thinned out and at 9cm, do you want me to break your water or let it happen on own?" Once I got my iv and the gas I told her to break my water as I know for me and my body it will speed things up. Plus the pressure was insane. The relief I felt was amazing once my water was broken. They stayed right by my side telling me how good i was doing with my breathing. They watched the monitor of my contractions and could see when I was ready to push. I was laid up in the princess position on the bed, nurse out an iv bag behind my back to give me extra support. They asked my hubby if he wanted to help deliver our son.
He put on gloves and then I started to push. 30 seconds of pushing later and my husband placed our little boy on my chest while he cut the umbilical cord.
I have never screamed when delivering my 2 other boys, I am a quite laborer. But I felt as though this one was tearing me apart and I screamed as I pushed.
Thankfully he came out very fast and the placenta delivered very quickly after.
I only tore ever so slightly on the outside of the vagina, didnt even need a stitch.
My little man is beautiful and I am so happy that the labor is done and I can finally hold him.
From onset of my contractions to the birth of my babe was only just over 3hrs.
30 seconds of pushing.
I am one of the lucky ones that I deliver fast. This was my first non induced birth so that was awesome to see my body respond the way it should for once.
Eli Lincoln G.
Born at 40 weeks and 3 days on his cousin's 4th birthday
9:13 am 30 minutes earlier than his cousin
8lbs 7.5oz
20 inches long

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.