Birth Story ❣️


I’m a little late but all my kids are asleep so I actually have time to write this 😅

2/13/19 8:00am - I checked in to labor & delivery for my scheduled induction, got hooked up to my IV & monitors, signed all my paperwork, got labs drawn, had one last ultrasound to make sure baby was head down and to see if he had turned out of the sunny side up position & finally got my cervix checked (3cm dilated & 50% thinned)

10:00am- Pitocin was started & got some Tylenol for my back pain (was having contractions when I came in)

12:00pm- Got another cervix check & I was dilated to 4 & 80% thinned

1:00pm- My back contractions were horrible so they administered Stadol (basically like morphine) and i literally thought I was gonna die it kicked in super fast and made me super dizzy and nauseous.

2:00pm- They checked my cervix (5cm dilated & fully thinned) and they broke my water for me which Ive never had done with my other two kids. My water started gushing multiple times and didnt stop. Also my pain meds wore of completely so I asked for my epidural.

4:00pm- I dilated to 6 so they said it might be 4 hours or more before I got to 10, they suggested I take a nap after they got my epidural in. Anesthesiologist came in and administered the epidural but for some reason I ended up numb from my neck to my vagina & thats it.

5:30pm- My mother in law came to get food with my husband since they said it would be a few hours, my two bestfriends came and sat with me and at this point the only part of my body that was numb was the right side of my torso and im having back to back contractions so I ask my MIL to have the nurse come turn up my epidural when they go down to the cafeteria. The nurse came & adjusted it and said she’d be back at 6:30 to check my cervix. Not even 5 minutes later im literally screaming and crying because I know I need to push and I can feel everything because my epidural failed.

5:50pm- My nurse comes back & catheterizes me & drains my bladder to try and relieve some pressure. At this point Im still having huge gushes of fluid & they see vernix coming out too (I can feel the babies head but no one could see it) so she checks my cervix, jumps up & says “he’s about to come out, your at 10, i have to go call the doctor. DO NOT PUSH UNTIL THE DR GETS HERE!”

6:00pm- My nurse comes back gets me in position & says my doctor is in the parking lot. Another doctor comes in and says “Im here to catch the baby incase your doctor doesnt make it in time” Im screaming and crying because I swear I thought I was gonna rip due to the sharp pain in my perineum. Finally my doctor walks in, my husband and nurse are holding my legs & my bestfriend is recording for me. I tell them all its time to push wether they were ready or not and they told me to push when I felt the contractions which were still back to back so I spent about 5 minutes pushing & I got so sick from pain I laid down and gave up, my husband and my nurse pushed my knees to my chest & pushed me up and the doctor got my sons head out and finally his body and placenta.

6:18pm- Knox Mavrixx was laid on my chest and I had to slap his back to get him breathing, his daddy cut his cord & they took him to bag him because he couldnt breathe.

Im telling you I have given birth w/ just pain medicine but to do it completely natural was the most painful experience and I don’t know how I did it but Im so glad it did. I was blessed with another beautiful baby boy and we overcame some serious birth complications. I’m so in love 🥰

Knox Mavrixx 8lbs 7oz 20.5inches 2/13/19 6:18pm 💙