Epidural wearing off?!

Nicole • Forever missing my angel baby 👼🏻❤️ my rainbow baby girl Juliet was born March 15, 2019! 💗🌈

I have always been told 2 things:

1. If you take the epidural too soon, it’ll wear off

2. You can take it as early as you’d like and it won’t wear off, they have a button next to you to where you can give yourself more if you need.

What’s the truth?! I don’t want to take my epidural too late and now I don’t know if it’s possible to take it too early , it’s my first time going into labor and I’m terrified of the pain when I push , I don’t want to feel anything but the apparent pressure you feel. 😣 did any of yours wear off? And if it did , how bad was the pain for you personally?