MIL Help

My mother in law is moving from out of state to our city when she retires soon to be closer to our children, her only grandkids. She is the main cause of any marital disputes my husband and I ever have. Whenever she visits or we visit her my husband and I end up fighting a lot because she stresses me out. I’m worried that when she moves to town it’s going to really take its toll on our marriage. I’m a stay at home mom at the moment and I don’t plan on returning to work until my kids are in school. She’s already made a casual comment that when she moves here she can care of the kids so I can go back to work. I really don’t want her raising my kids because she has a very different parenting style than mine. She’s narcissistic and seems to always be in competition with other women including me even though I’m a very drama free person.

Anyone else have a difficult MIL who lives near you and how do you deal with it?