Need to rant! Pregnancy anger or disrespect?


Hey just wanted to rant! So I'm 8 month pregnant and I had back pain and problems before this pregnancy from a car accident. Well especially now Im having alot of back/ belly/ and hip pain. Any how any time I go to the store my bf always pushes or pulls me out of the way of people that I might be blocking either from walking or grabbing something from in front of where I'm standing. Most of the time while I'm in the middle of looking at something or grabbing something i need. Like today while trying to put a gallon jug of tea in the cart, for him, he yanked the cart away as i was reaching to put it in. Causing me to have to way over extend myself causing me alot of pain. Is it just my pregnancy hormones or am I in the right for feeling like shit that he cares more about strangers getting to what they want than caring about me and the fact that he shoves or pulls me out of their way and causing me more pain and discomfort than i am already in? Like them getting their stuff is more important then me getting our stuff to the point he is causing me pain? Ugh! Today I started crying in walmart!