Should I go to my GP? I'm convinced my baby hates me


I'm posting on here because if I post it on Facebook I might get judged...recently I've been finding parenting my 6 month old really hard...for some reason I've managed to convince myself that he hates me like really hates me this is making me soo upset because he is my everything...he seems to be so happy to see other people but when he's with me (which he is most of the time) he just doesn't seem as happy 😭 and if I can't keep my own child happy what kind of mother am I and surely he deserves better than me? the last month or so his feeding has decreased.. he did have a cold but that seems to have cleared now so I have no idea why he's not feeding- this in addition makes me angry and frustrated.. to the point I've thrown the tv remote and various other objects at the wall... and just thrown him down on his play cushion thing where he will be safe and went and cried hysterically in the bathroom this "battle of the feeding" is turning into a daily occurrence I don't enjoy getting up in the morning cause I know this is what I'm going to go through..i don't understand why he won't drink his milk when my other mum friends babies are all drinking 7 or 8 ounces and are the same age if noah is having a good day he only drinks 4-6 ounces I'm terrified he's going to make himself really ill. Some days he goes a whole day barely drinking anything (e.g his recent bottle is the first since 4am and he's barely scraped 2oz out of it)...I don't know what to do...I tried for ages to have a baby and I just want him to be happy and healthy...but instead he dispises me 😭 I don't even want to go out and about I just want to stay in and spend time with him just me and him. Cause seeing other mum's and their kids look so happy upsets me I cried in Starbucks the other day because noah was refusing his bottle and this other baby was laughing and giggling at her mum I had to leave p.s his dad and his family are involved but would do anything to see me fail... Please help I don't want to feel like this anymore 😪 I do have good days but they are few and far between.