Health Anxiety

I’m not sure how it’s gotten to this point, but I don’t know what to do about it. I’m too embarrassed to even tell my husband or close friends but I feel like I’ve developed extreme anxiety about my health/dying since my son was born (17 months ago). It’s gotten worse in the past 6 months though. I currently have a heart monitor on because I was experiencing palpitations on a regular basis so my primary care dr sent me for an echo and holter monitor. The echo came back normal. Now just today I swear I feel a swollen lymph node in my neck. It’s probably nothing or maybe not even there and just my imagination but I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m almost afraid to call the doctor because they’re going to think I’m crazy after being in there for a heart concern just a couple weeks ago.

I also have massive anxiety about flying. I travel about once a month for work and it takes me days to muster up the courage to finally book the flight every time.

We just started trying for baby #2 and I’m nervous this anxiety is just going to totally take over.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any at-home, natural tips for managing it?