5lber -> Preemie vs. Newborn clothes/diapers!

Krysta • 💏 '09 👶💜 '16 🌈👶💜 '19 👶💙 '20

Hey fellow mamas! I'm being induced on Wednesday with baby girl #2🤗 We had a measurement scan today and although it wasn't fully accurate (they scanned a week+ early because of induction) she is only weighing in around 5lbs 5oz. She could be a little bigger depending but we won't know til we know. I've googled a bunch and know what google says (most newborn clothes are 5-8lbs Dr. Google says) but I was hoping for a few first hand accounts on whether I need to worry about grabbing a pack of preemie onesies or diapers! Thanks ladies💕

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