dealing with his family

My boyfriend is Jewish and I’m Christian. Thankfully, this doesn’t cause any issues and our families love each other. However, his family irritates me sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but they can getting annoying. They’re super family oriented, which I am not.

My boyfriend and I are both 18, so we’re “adults.” However, his family insists… almost forces my boyfriend to eat with the rest of their family every friday night. it’s some jewish tradition that i’m not used to, but it still throws me off. if we’re staying at my place, we have to go to his house the next day just to eat dinner there. also, his parents call him like all the time when we’re together to check up on him.

i’ve heard stereotypes about jewish mothers and it seems to be pretty accurate to me. i get anxiety at his house because i always hear everyone talking…loudly. like the family doesn’t leave each other alone. not only that, but they scream across the house to talk to each other. this happens when I’m on the phone with him too. it annoys the shit out of me. i spend a lot of time at his house, which i get aggravated by because of all the noise. he’s 18 but he is always doing things with his family too, which is weird for me. they go grocery shopping together, driving around together, etc. i spend time with my family, but not that much.

maybe i’m lowkey jealous bc im not as close with my family? i don’t really mind tho cuz family isn’t really my thing. i wasn’t brought up like that.

if anyone else has experience with a similar situation, please lmk. if anyone can give me advice or something to help cope with this, i’d appreciate it. but please don’t leave anything negative.