Overwhelmed 😣


This is only our second cycle TTC. I just feel so overwhelmed by all the testing, advice, waiting, analyzing....I’m sure I can’t be the only one!

I started using OPK last cycle and definitely got a very positive OPK. We did BD the few days leading up the positive and on the day of the positive but not the following day (DH was exhausted lol) and I got my period 2 weeks later.

My cycle (which I’ve been tracking since October) has been 32-39 days so it’s really hard to pinpoint when to start testing. I got my positive OPK on day 18 of my last cycle. But now I’m reading that you can’t just go by a positive OPK because some people have longer LH surges and you can still get a positive OPK after ovulation. So I’ve been trying to track my CM to find out my fertile window but I don’t feel like I have very much. I’m only on CD 8 and I feel like my CM is watery (and very scant) but I’m way too early on to be close to have EWCM. So can I trust my CM or should I just start testing?

Also will you always have two lines on an OPK? I know that the test line has to be as dark or more dark than the control line but when do we start doing BD?? If there’s always two lines then how do I know when to begin??

If anyone is willing to give me some clear, summarized TTC advice (just the general bullet points) I would be super grateful!!

Thanks in advance and baby dust to all!