First Period

Sorry maybe TMI... I'm 5 weeks post & lochia was finally yellow a few days ago. I was just about to let hubby know it was over. Then yesterday, I started bleeding - heavy. At first I thought, how is this possible? That I'm back to bleeding again when I was finally in the yellow stage?? Now today, it's even heavier & just like a period. I'm breast feeding & didn't have my first period for 9-12 months post with my first two kiddos. So I'm shocked ... and so bummed. I don't have my 6 week check up for another week and a half. Oh & my bday is in a few days so WAS hoping hubby & I could finally have time together... not anymore. Also, I signed my toddler up for swim lessons that start this week.. and we are still not supposed to wear tampons! Ugh 😥 😖