He admitted it 😔

Good afternoon!

Ok ladies, so long story short, my ex fiancé and I broke things off and I moved out 2016. Fast forward to now, we’ve been dating again, trying to work on us and doing so well.

This past Friday, after a conversation, he finally admitted to sleeping with someone I had suspected he slept with. He stated it occurred after I moved out and we weren’t together. I was devastated yes but surprisingly calm and now accepting of it.

But!!! He’s being distant. He looks sad. We speak but he’s not his usual self. He said he feels bad that this news hurt me and doesn’t believe I’m as ok as I’m coming off to be. I’m really not faking it. I’m just accepting that it happened when we broke things off and he finally came clean.

Has anyone experienced this? Your significant other admitted to something difficult and then became distant? Will he recover? I don’t want us to lose this awesome momentum we have going.
