Teachers and “complaining”🙄


This is just a rant about something that pissed me off and I’m not the one to get defensive but this made me raging. In my 1st period algebra 2 class my teacher gets butt hurt almost every day about kids “being rude” to her when all they are saying is that she never helps them one on one, which I do agree with because every time they ask for help she barely helps and doesn’t complete the problem with them to clear the confusion. I was supposed to be in honors but because of my duel enrollment schedule at our technical college I had to take regular level so most of the time I’m helping people at my table understand problems. Anyways most days she does a very long warm up, some notes, and then gives up classwork that we don’t have much time to finish. I get that this is her classroom and she can do things the way she wants, which I was NOT “complaining” about that. But we have at most 10 minutes to complete our classwork, which is usually around 15 problems if not more. So today we barely had any time for classwork and I still had about 10 problems left and was like damn she wants us to do this and our weekly homework? Like that’s kinda of a lot. And she snaps and is like don’t complain you had yesterday off. And goes on under her breath. And I was like I may not have had school yesterday but that doesn’t mean I don’t have shit to do. I take college classes and I have a job so don’t assume shit about my life. I’m just mad at the fact that she wants to assume shit about my life and schedule when I state a fact and wasn’t even rude about it. She gets butt hurt when people state facts and I can’t do the same? And then she goes on to talk under her breath about me, like are you 12? Just pretty pissed off and felt like ranting🤷🏼‍♀️ so ready to graduate and get away from childish teachers...