First night in crib


So this has been way overdue😅 but tonight baby girl is finally in her crib! Bye bye bassinet! She was definitely ready & running out of room. My 2.5 year old got his big boy bed so it's his first night in it too. Baby girl got his crib. He loved his crib, but adjusts so well to anything & fell right to sleep in his new bed. Same with babygirl. It's weird seeing her in a crib. She has so much room now😀 She just started sleeping in her own room a couple nights ago too. So much change it makes me a little sad but it really needed to happen. Oh and she only woke once last night!! 😳 The nested bean sleep sack didn't make a difference when she was younger but it's like a light switch turned on & it is working magic in her sleep!! Here she is earlier today just bein cute💕