I’m so irritated


Me and my husband were trying for a year and a couple of months and decided to stop because we’re going through a rough time with financial and living situation now three weeks ago I got my positive. And my own husband tells me to abort argues about it for a week and started to except it go to appointments with me and felt like we were doing okay. I have a step son who is 7 almost 8 in three months. My husband decided to let him come to ultrasound appointment today. Step sons mom just had a baby and he’s all about it and excited. So my step son says he doesn’t want me pregnant he never wants to talk to me like it’s the end of the world . Like okay his mom can have a baby and he’s fine but when I do he’s acting like that it’s fucked up because now all I’m gOing to Remember is husband being an asshole telling me to abort when I found out and now my son acting like an ass. My reaction I told him get over it I know it sounds so bitchy usually I would be loving tell him it’s okay but I hate the way he acts he think he can control his dad and me and expects us to do what he says and I’m just pissed off I’m tired of all this I want to be happy and enjoy my pregnancy but doesn’t seem like it idk guys just irritated.