Clindamycin. 36w + 6d. Signs of body preparing for labor or the medicine effects?


So I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not, but yesterday I was prescribed Clindamycin (oral) for an infected abscess that had to be cut open and drained.

BEFORE I took the medicine, I was SUPER nauseous in the morning. My appetite even went away and I thought I was going to puke all over myself it was SO bad. This was weird to me because my “morning sickness” has went away for a couple months now.

So I dropped off my medicine, later picked it up and took the dose I was given. I noticed some time afterwards I was getting period like cramps. They weren’t major but noticeable. I took my second dose and felt nothing. I took my 3rd dose and after awhile I got cramps again and back pain.

Since this medicine is considered safe for pregnant women, someone was telling me they think I might go into labor soon/ or my body is preparing for it at coincidently time.

My baby has been moving normal. Her kicks are the same but I’m nervous thinking about everything now 🙄

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