
I’m so frustrated with my husband. We are constantly having the same conversation about the same issues and not getting anywhere because my issues are childish. We have a6 month baby, he works so I make sure the laundry is done, clean house, food is always cooked, I look after the baby so literally when he gets home all I ask is he just spends time with the baby and me. I literally bust a gut trying to keep on top of everything but it’s just not appreciated. He doesn’t see how hard it is, he just thinks I have plenty of time to do it all.

He comes home from work spends a. Hour with the baby, goes to the garage to smoke weed while I put the baby to bed, comes to bed and goes to sleep. No interest in me, just rolls over and goes to sleep. This really fucks me off because I know he’s been watching porn etc.

It’s not about sex, it’s just about him not appreciating me or even acknowledging that I might need a break.

I visualise leaving him all the time because he doesn’t show me any interest but I love him so much I just wish he could see my point.

I literally do everything. While I’m putting our child to sleep he’s watching fucking porn. This just isn’t how I visioned married life with a baby