I dont think this is working...

Tania • Madly in love with the love of my life, ttc baby #1, godmommy to handsome little king and pushing for greatness, all while taking care of the world!

Hello everyone, and thank you in advance for your advice your appreciated! I have known my boyfriend for 15 years. I was very young wen I meet him. We have been trying to make this relationship work for going on 4 years. And like many relationships we have our ups and our downs but nothing compares to what happened a couple summers ago. Long story short, I broke up with him, he was still living with me and I started talking to another guy. Me and this guy did have relations and we spoke for a few months. In the most of me having this affair my boyfriend was trying to get back together, I didn't want to at first however after realizing that I was being ridiculous I stopped the affair and agreed to work things out with my boyfriend. Two years later, although he agreed to forgive me and move forward, he is still holding the events of that summer against me. We have horrible fights that result in him telling me he will never forgive me... I want to be with him, he is a great guy, but I'm not sure if this is working. Should I stick it out and do what I can to make the relationship work or do I end it for both of us and save us the misery?