Mom vent

Brianna • Frederick May 2016. William January 2019! ♥️ Stay at home mom with Hashimotos ♥️

I have two boys, a 2.5 year old and my one month old. As a mother, my heart hurts for what they will go through next month.

My littlest has two hernias that need surgery, which will happen on the 18th, in addition to a tongue tie needing to be cut.

My oldest just visited the dentist and has 6 cavities! We are shocked as we brush his teeth thoroughly every day. My mother and mother in law have very soft teeth so we figure it must be genetics playing it’s ugly hand. He just had two cavities filled and the dentist wants to put crowns on two (bc of the likelyness of filling falling out) of them and fill the other two. The idea of the crowns scares me as a parent 😔.

I just wanted to vent a little bit. My poor babies. My boys have 6 appointments in the next month. April can’t come soon enough.