Feeding your child


OKAY so like most parents I try to feed my 3 yr old healthy food. Not just chicken nuggets and fries. But everyone EVEN ADULTS have days when they dont really feel like having something. My little man does pretty good about eating what I make him but tonight? He didnt want the chicken I cooked or the rice or the salad. He said "mommy I don't feel good and I'm tired" so I let him skip dinner for the moment. Then a while later he said he was finally hungry and I tried again. Still didnt want what I cooked so I offered something simple. Ham and cheese sandwich with some easy microwave made mac and cheese. He has eaten 3/4 of the sandwich and half the mac and cheese so far so guess what? That means he isnt goimg hungry/going without. It wasnt necessarily unhealthy but it wasnt as good as it could have been. Point being, mothers get shamed for SO much now.. especially what they feed their kids. So it makes me angry and sad to see moms getting shamed for drive through food or giving their kids chips instead of carrots, I mean you never know what goes on in a family's life so unless you have some proof that the child is being neglected and is unhealthy due to the parents lack of care, mind your business. A fed little one is better than a hungry little one. I for one am PROUD of my sandwich, mac and cheese occasional chip/junk eating boy and how I choose to parent him. This post was meant for any mamas out there who may be feeling down about some choices they've made lately. Take a look at your littles. Are they safe? Healthy? Happy? You are doing great! Be proud of yourselves because we are all just doing our best ❤