Omg!! I’m still in shock!!!



I am still in shock! Crazy back story, we’ve been TTC for 3 months(yes I know not long🤷🏻‍♀️) I took over 15 tests (yes I know I’m crazy! Lol) well I gave up and literally broke down at the end and decided to wait to TTC so we could have a summer baby. Well I have this aunt (she’s not crazy) who has told numerous people they are pregnant before they even find out and the gender of the baby as well and its always spot on!

Anywho, my mom came over for coffee and brought my aunt over. She stared at me for a long time, looking at me up and down before telling me “you are pregnant” I just smiled and in my head I was like NO WAY! I just took a test 2 days ago which was bfn!

They left and I had 1 test left and her telling me that made me want to take it. Welp, I got a vvfl! This was a cheapie so I ran to the store for a FRER and this was my result!! I am still in SHOCK! I didn’t expect it anymore, I’ve gotten so maybe bfn that there was no way!!! Omg!! ya

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Posted at
Send your aunt my way next 🙋🏼‍♀️ 🤣


Nany • Feb 22, 2019
Same her to me too🤣 congratulations mama!!🎉🎉


cc • Feb 21, 2019
Lol! Will!


Posted at
What does bfn stand for? Were you late for your period at all?


cc • Feb 22, 2019
Well don’t give up! I was 28 days late. I took a test just 2 days ago and it was negative until today. I’ve heard of plenty of girls that get negatives until after 2 missed periods


Aly • Feb 21, 2019
Gotcha! I’m 7 days late and took 2 tests (one this morning) and it’s been negative. First period that’s super late like this in 8 months since I’ve gotten off the pill. So confused!


cc • Feb 21, 2019
Big fat negative. Well according to the app I was 18 days late but my periods aren’t always on point