My birth story 🤭


Well, I felt A little anxious about posting my own stuff on here but what the hell lol

So when I was 38 weeks pregnant, in early February, I went in to my OBGYN for an appointment, check and see if in dilated, ya know. Well, this whole pregnancy I had been having problems with feeling like I was gonna faint all the time, being tired, my heart rate always elevated, getting dizzy non stop, seeing spots. The whole works. I even got anemic during the pregnancy and even though that's not such a huge problem it sure physically felt like it lol

But at this check up, I showed signs of preeclampsia so I was sent to hospital into triage to be monitored. My blood pressure went down and the swelling in my feet gone down and they let me go home after 4+ hours. A week from that day, on Valentine's day, I am now 39 weeks pregnant, we had the same problem. High blood pressure, swollen feet, headache, seeing spots so my doctor said head on over the hospital we're gonna induce!!

I'm only 20, this was my first pregnancy ever, and in my naive little mind I couldn't freaking wait.

Well, Valentine's day night they just wanted to get my blood pressure down, hydrate me well, and start me on cytotec.

Getting my cervix checked and having vaginal exams has never been easy for me. It's always painful no matter how hard every doctor and nurse told me to relax. They all just shoved their long finger and finger nail having hands up there with no room for mental preparation lol

So having cytotec, which was a crushed pill, shoved up my vagina onto my cervix 3 times in 12 hours from 9 pm til 9 am the next day, to get me to dilate cause I was steady at 0cm. The cramps were unbelievable I couldn't sleep, especially from being hooked up to so many monitors. Next morning, im checked again (freaking ouch) and I'm only at 1cm, so they start me on pitocin at 11 am, contractions are unbelievable, I can only feel everything in my lower hips and back. They run it for 4 hours, but there was no change in my dilation so they cut it off at 3pm, let me eat, and discussed I would now have cervidil, a little tampon insert, inserted inside me and turned sideways. Having theur fingers push on my cervix was enough to send my braxton Hicks into a frenzy and kill the inside of my cooter I really was not excited for this. An hour and a half later my nurse came in with the insert and after many failed attempts of getting my vagina muscles to relax, my body to stop shaking and legs to open to she had to have my boyfriend hold my legs down to get it in. Poor man almost cried 😥 she never got it against my cervix but pushed enough back and an hour after the insert was in, contractions started kicking in bad. A little over 12 hours later, February 16th, early in the morning, my cervix is checked, I'm only 2cm and 50% effaced, I take the insert out and by 7 AM I was started on pitocin again. Contractions getting worse and worse but the shittiest part of it all we're the pains in my damn hips and back. It felt like my bones were ripping apart. What felt like forever had gone by and by 11 am my doctor made the decision to break my water. Even worse contractions coming on. Hours and hours and hours go by. By 7 Pm my doctor comes in, explains she believes my hips are too narrow for the baby to settle down in my hips and since nothing had changed with my cervix, I was going to have to have a c section.

Everything about delivery scared me, whether she was being pushed out or cut out, but the thought of having a needle in my spine definitely gave me some anxiety and chills. Well I'm rolled in a little before 8:30 and by 8:34 PM my beautiful Aurora Danielle was here!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 Totally worth it all.