Have you ever gotten a positive ovulation test the day you start your menstrual cycle

Cheyenne • Cheyenne trambley

Okay so I'm freaking out just a little bit I cannot call my OB because they are out of the office until Monday

I use Clearblue Advanced Digital ovulation test as prescribed by my doctor yesterday morning and this morning I got a positive on my test not a peek a positive I usually get positives a couple of days before I get my Peak so that's pretty normal I come home today from having lunch with friends and family and find that my menstrual cycle has started has anyone ever been through this I don't understand how I can be ovulating and menstruating at the same time it doesn't seem possible

Everything I have studied says this isn't possible me and my husband are mid testing for any reproductive issues with either one of us all my blood test for hormone levels came back normal my whole reproductive system was checked no blockages no cysts nothing out of the ordinary we are waiting for the semen analysis for my husband I'm 34 and I'm very confused??????

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