I’m so in love


Let me just begin to say that I am so, deeply in love. There’s this girl that I have known for a long time now, and she has been my best friend ever since. We know each other inside out and we always have the best times together. We spend our days laughing until our stomachs hurt and we are both blue in our faces. She is the most kind, gentle, talented, beautiful person that I have ever met in my entire life. I love her more than I can even describe. There’s just one problem. She’s with someone. She loves him but she also has feelings for me. Sometimes she just can’t accept it because she’s afraid of what god may think, and how she will be treated by her family, friends, and peers. She’s afraid of how other people will see her when she is with another woman. Plus, she doesn’t have the heart at the moment to break up with her boyfriend. She’s too nice...and she loves him. It’s difficult that we have already established our feelings for one another, yet I can’t have her. We’re young, so chances are that she and her man won’t be together forever, and maybe someday I will finally have a chance, but the waiting is pure hell. It’s pain. They have been together for a few months and I feel like it will be months or possibly even a few more years before they are over. I know I should just give up but it’s not so simple when you love someone. For now, I am happy to be her best friend, because she brings me so much joy into my life, but one day I just hope to finally call her mine. She’s my everything and I could never ask for more. I’m an emotional wreck, and I don’t know what to do or how to feel. Somebody please give me some advice. -a girl in love