WHAT THE ..... F.... ?


My head is about to freaking explode...

after being amazing to me he just got online on Facebook. I can’t sleep because I just flew from usa back home to Europe and my time has been messed up. It’s 3:40AM here.

My man can’t sleep, so I message him “You can’t sleep again baby?”

He : “Yes i couldn’t”

Me: “Me too, that time change is killing me”

He: “I wasn’t asking about you”

Me: “ouch... that hurt...”

He: “?”

Me: “I just thought it would be interesting to share...”

He : “Don’t think what I think”

Me: “Bye”

No reply....

WHY? Tomorrow he will laugh at me for being over dramatic and just say he messed around with me and call me crazy because I “overreact” ...

I’m slowly getting to a point where I want to say “Fuck you....”

why he does that literally after Amazing conversation about all... 😞

Is he dumb? Am I dumb?

So exhausting to figure him out...