Where did my breasts go?!

•K• • Mom to a one son, one 🌈 daughter, and 3 LOVED angel babes. One of the nice girls. Fitness fanatic. All glory and praise to Jesus!🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️

Oh my gosh, you guys. I’ve finished breastfeeding my second child (they’re six and a half years apart) and my breasts have almost completely disappeared! It’s terrible! They’ve completely lost any shape that was once there🙈. They changed after my first born weaned. But I feel like they’re even worse after weaning my second. Does it just get worse and worse with each subsequent child? I have been convincing myself I never wanted breast implants due to all the issues that sometimes occur years after getting them. But I think I’ve just completely changed my mind. I’m seriously frightened to wear a swimsuit this summer. im so embarrassed.