Emotional rollercoaster

So my partner and I are trying for a baby and because we arent straight we have to organise it a bit more..anyways we found a donor and organised a trip for when i was ovulating next but then we had to drive bear him sooner so we organised a donation on a day where i had little to no chance of getting pregnant but we tried anyways..

A week later i start getting cramps and feeling nauseas and wait another week to take a test (clearblue and negative) and i still felt sick so we chalked it up tp being too early to detect hgc levels so i waited a few days and took another test out of the three pack and it was a faint positive so i took another test pretty much straight after (last one in pack) and negative and then i get my period for 4 days (unusual period- lighter and came and finished earlier) then i still felt sick and friends said it was still possible so i took another test (first response - faint positive) and then another one a few days later and negative and then another one and faint positive so i went to the doctor and got a pee test done and negative but i still got a blood test (still waiting on the results) and impatiently waiting i bpufht another three pack of first response and got a faint positive and then the next day got two negatives