Hiccups at 36 weeks

Hi everyone just looking for some opinions on this

I’m 36 weeks and have noticed my baby gets the hiccups at least 4-5 times a day I didn’t think anything of this as I always thought that hiccups were just a normal part of pregnancy

Until I was talking to a friend about it and she pointed out that hiccups should decrease in the last trimester and not increase and if they do become more frequent In the last few weeks of pregnancy that it could signify a problem with the umbilical cord 😟

Of course I googled it and have seen that what she said is possible

This isn’t my first pregnancy but my 1st daughter was born with the cord wrapped around her neck and she almost didn’t make it so of course I’m extra paranoid about it happening again

Just wondering if anyone else has heard about this or has had any experience in something like this being a concern I will be asking my doctor about it for sure just wondering if it’s something I should rush or if it can wait until my appointment on Tuesday

I’ve started to keep track today and so far he has already had the hiccups twice and they were 3 hours apart and it’s still early afternoon where I am from

Thank you for taking the time to read

Sorry just being a paranoid Mama!😊