Fertile window...


Ladies help me out!

Come off the pill end of September to try for a baby with my partner iv had my normal periods each month since iv been off few days before day after but this month it was smack on wich I know can be the case sometimes!

Last month in my fertile window I had soooo much cm I was well happy with how much I was getting but unfortunately we didn’t conceive!

Where as this month my fertile window was from the 17th till today based on my two apps that I use, and Iv literally had no cm apart from the day after my period stopped! I will get the slightest bit of clear wet in the tissue when I go to the toilet!

And I’m really worrying Incase I’m not ovulating!

I went crazy with opk kits and stuff when I first stopped the pill and began to really stress myself out for the past two months iv done nothing apart from taking supplements

Can anyone help me or advise anything??