My boyfriend won’t stop watching porn


I feel so stupid that this is even an issue for me, but hear me out anyway. My boyfriend has been watching porn more and more and it’s making me insecure. At one point in our relationship, he hadn’t watched porn in months because he said that he had me and my pictures and it was more than enough for him (we’re both of age, so it’s okay.) Hell, he told me he used to be able to cum at just the thought of me! I have made sex tapes with him, sent him nudes in various positions and angles, and even let him take his own pictures of me when we were together. We have sex a few times a week, and on days where we don’t, I give him a blowjob to make up for it. In recent months though, he will not stop watching porn. I’ve tried telling him how it made me feel and he didn’t stop. I tried sending more pics, but no change. I tried sending less pics in retaliation, but that just made him contact other women (including his ex) for nudes which made me even more uncomfortable than regular porn did. All of this makes me feel like i’m not sufficient enough at times, and/or that he doesn’t find me as attractive or sexually appealing as he did in the past. And it has taken a toll on our sex life. I find myself holding back more because I feel like i’m gonna be compared to his pornstars or the other people he has received nudes from. It’s lowered my sex drive and willingness to do stuff for him as well. I make him cum every day, so I just don’t see why he needs to use other people especially when he knows it makes me uncomfortable. Am I being unreasonable? I don’t wanna say he has an addiction, but I’ve told him it makes me uncomfortable but he won’t stop or even try and keep it secret. He always tells me about stuff he saw in porn and how he wished I did stuff like that despite knowing how I feel. I’ve tried not to get too upset but it just makes me feel so low and like I’m not enough for him sexually. Anyone else have experiences like this, or advice? Please don’t be too harsh, I already feel like I’m crazy haha