opened up :(

so i was texting my bf yesterday, we were talking about saying what you felt and all that so i decided to voice how i had been worried he was gonna graduate and eventually get bored of me. instead of reassuring me, he just said theres no point in worrying because he doesnt know what hes gonna do with his life. no reassurance. nothing. so i just said okay and he said goodnight (it was late) and that he loved me, i just said night. then he replied asking what was wrong and if i was ok and i said no but i was gonna sleep and he just said sleep always helps.

im so confused. how could he tell me its ok for me to share what im feeling and then just respond by saying theres no point in worrying. it honestly just made me feel worse. what do i do? should i wait for him to realize what he said was kinda off? i was supposed to see him this weekend but he has a trip with friends.