My mom has no respect for my marriage- long rant


She still acts like she has full say in my life. I am 25, married, on my own (living out-of-state) working a damn good job for my career, and she still wants to act like I am under her roof. Yesterday, she called while we were eating dinner, so I declined the call cause I figured I’d just call her later. Then we went to pick-up groceries. On our drive home from the grocery store, I decide to call her. She immediately starts asking and gets mad as to why hadn’t I answered her and to let her know immediately where I’ll be at if I am not able to answer (as if I don’t have life). Then she proceeds to lecture me not to go out at night because she doesn’t think it’s safe and that my husband should do the shopping on his own. I was just like what in the actual fuck lady, you’re not even in the same state as me and you want to control my life like I am 18 again?? I just hung up before I said any mean and resentful things. It may be my pregnancy stress that makes me trigger but she most definitely triggered me.

And she is supposed to come stay with us for 2 weeks in March. My husband is not fond of it, and I can only imagine how she’s going to want to tell me how to mother and do things with my child.

rant over.