My mom attempted suicide



I am 27 weeks pregnant and last Tuesday my mom attempted suicide. I don't know if writing in this forum will help or not. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced a parent doing something like this? We had to call the cops to do a wellness check because we couldn't get into her house. She was then found on the floor with dry foam around her mouth and breath but barely conscious and flailing around. The whole check took about 2 hours of standing around until the cops felt safe enough to go in and check on her. She was then brought out flailing on a stretcher, white as a ghost. It took her 5 days to stop hallucinating and be freed from her bed restraints. She stated she planned it and took 50 antidepressants. She has blamed us for finding her and she has also told us that we found her just in time before she had planned her heart to stop beating from the medication. She has shown no remorse for her actions.

I am left here bouncing between sadness and complete and utter anger towards her. May I also add that my younger sister is 16 weeks pregnant.... I don't know what to do. I need to feel strong and yet I feel so numb. I am worried I'll get sent into labour early due to stress. Sorry for venting. I needed to get this off of my chest. Thanks for listening.