My cervix position

Emily • I`m 38 TTC#1. I have 3 cysts on my left ovary, a blocked left tube (hydrosalpinx), a blocked right tube and polops on my uterus. Starting round 1 of ivf in Feb/March 2022.

Hey guys. I'm 35, almost 36 and still trying to get pregnant. I Ieft Glow for about two years because it was consuming me to much and I was becoming frustrated and overwhelmed but I'm back.

I've posted a picture of the month of February although I didn't log as much as I wanted to. I'm trying to get back familiar with information and lingo on this site that I have forgotten.

My AF is suppose to come March 9th. I BD 3 days before ovulation this month and today my cervix is very high and open. Yesterday I couldn't even feel it but today I was able to with my middle finger up to the second knuckle and it is definitely high soft and open. What does this mean if anything? Thank you ladies and baby dust to all!