Fucking frustrated

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

I’m 17 turning 18 in May. I’m signed up for segment 1 of drivers ed, April 1st. The company I’m going through is the sears driving school aka the official driving school. I was curious how long so I called into the place. I told the lady when I’m signed up and when I turn 18, she said I cannot take segment 2 because you have to wait 3 months to take it and by the time the 3 months are up I’ll be 18 and I’ll just have to go about getting my license the adult way. Ok that’s fine right. I didn’t even want to take segment 2 cus it’s only 3 days worth of classes and it’s basically them telling you not to drink and drive. And shit like that. I told my mom what the lady said and now she’s arguing that just because she put in my bday and classes in August were there that she could sign me up. I told her, the lady told me otherwise. And she doesn’t believe me and I’m just really pissed off cuz she’s arguing with me about it