Low blood pressure?? 20 weeks pregnant


My Dr wants me to track my blood pressure until my next appointment (which is tomorrow) but the reason is because she said it was slightly elevated, and told me to make sure either number doesn’t get over 140/90. But this has been my log so far with the ReliOn machine.

106/60, pulse 94

114/62, pulse 70

118/64, pulse 82

112/63, pulse 79

124/57, pulse 67

107/61, pulse 77

101/62, pulse 84

Is this normal to have such low numbers or am I using it wrong lol, i align the artery mark with my pinky like it says and make sure the line is plugged in correctly. Idk I am just confused because I’ve never had to track blood pressure before so it’s all new to me, also a FTM lol!