Someone to talk to

Ashly • Pregnant with our 🌈 with a toddler🙎‍♀️

So I need someone to talk to. Quick story...been ttc 7months, got my bfp on the day my 15month niece died and will be due around her birthday.

So I haven’t told anybody yet cus I had an early mc last year(10weeks) so I’m trying to wait to make sure things keep trucking along good. But I’m so torn. I’m 28, married, was ttc, and stable n such but I almost feel ashamed to be pregnant right now. It’s the worse time and my sister is going to hate me which can’t blame her but damn it I want to be so happy cus it’s my rainbow! My ‘wasn’t sure I could after multiple surgeries and a traumatic mc’ miracle so I want to be happy I just feel so heavy with it all.

Anybody ever receive bad news then good news like this?? Idk how to even go about telling my sister