Funny pregnancy thought. 😅

Brittany • 28 years old, married 2016 -together 8yrs. Baby #1 08/17/19 Baby #2 on the way :)

I’m 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant with our first baby. A few things I’ve noticed over the last week or two...the first thing to change before I even knew I was expecting was the size of my boobs. 😂 I have always had smaller ones but not extremely small. I’ve gone up at least a full cup size in the last month. The thought, 🤔 “god I really hope these stay after I give birth.” 🤷🏼‍♀️

Second, my hair hasn’t been cut since October. I’m trying to keep it longer. But, I’m noticing it’s also grown like crazy. Thank you baby! Momma appreciates the help! Lol 👏🏻

Pregnancy has a lot of not so fun things that happen to our bodies, but these things I can get behind.