Help for this expectant first time mommy

Zion`s mommy 🤱🏽👶🏼🍼

Hello ladies,

So after a really long 2 years of trying and a really long story to go along with that....God finally blessed me with this little miracle I have in my tummy. I am almost 5 months pregnant and this will both hubby & I’s first baby.

I wanted to know what you really, genuinely feel helped you prepare for this being a mommy journey...I signed up for Lamaze classes and I know that’s not everything but I feel like the fact that I’m 28 and have been praying and desiring this for so long makes me feel like I’m ready. I know it’s not going to be easy at all or it might but all I know is that this was a very desired baby, and I just want to be the best mommy and maintain myself as a person and a great wife